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Thirtieth anniversary of Constitution's adoption//Special occasion to reflect on road covered, on Moldova's achievements, challenges coming next

15:34 | 29.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Republic of Moldova’s Constitution was voted 30 years ago, on 29 July, establishing the legal framework and of principle of an independent and sovereign nation. This today’s solemn moment is also a good occasion to reflect on the road of our people, on the fundamental values which guided us during centuries. The head of the parliament’s juridical commission for appointments and immunities, Veronica Rosca, made statements to this effect in her speech given at the today’s solemn meeting, dedicated to the marking of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution’s adoption.     

„The Constitution represents our social contract and the expression of our common aspirations for freedom, dignity, justice and prosperity. Even if it is a young Constitution, the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution after 30 years is the guarantor of the citizens’ fundamental freedoms and rights; is the one which guides us in the edification of a fair and democratic society. This document passed the test of the time and proved that the values it supports are solid and sustainable,’’ veronica Rosca stressed.    

A member of the Commission and working group or the elaboration of the draft Constitution, university professor Boris Negru also spoke at the today’s solemn meeting. Veronica Rosca thanked him, on behalf of Moldova’s jurists, who were able to make well-grounded studies under the guidance of Negru. The professor said that when ‘’it comes to the fundamental law of a state, the Constitution represents a proof, a test which a democratic state must pass, so that it is recorded among the advanced states of the world.’’     

For her part, Deputy Parliament Speaker Doina Gherman said that the celebration of the adoption of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution was a special occasion to reflect on the road covered, on the country’s achievements, as well as the challenges which come next. ‘’The adoption of the Constitution was a choice for a democratic and independent future. The draft fundamental law was elaborated by the parliament of the first legislative period, called also the Parliament of Independence, which laid the foundations of a rule of law, sovereign and independent state,’’ Doina Gherman said.     

„The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, similar to the most democratic constitutions of the world’s states, qualified the preeminence of the law, the civic peace, democracy, dignity and human rights, the justice and political pluralism as the supreme values of the state and of the society. It reaffirmed the people’s devotion for the generally human values and the wish to live in peace and good understanding with all nations of the world. These values have been and remain  the principal goals of a contemporary state, in its deep essence,’’ a judge of the Constitutional Court, Nicolae Rosca, said at the parliament’s festive meeting.    

The Day of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution is annually marked on 29 July. The parliament adopted Fundamental Law on 29 July 1994 and the document entered into force on 27 August 1994.  





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