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GOVERNMENT EDIFIES // Over 3,500 residents of four north Moldova district to benefit from drinking water of Dniester

18:18 | 29.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - The North Regional Development Agency (ADR Nord),  the Floresti district council and the mayoralties of the villages, Cernita, Cosernita, Temeleuti, as well as the mayoralty of the Vascauti commune signed a contract on financing for the implementation of a project on the construction of a feed pipe for the aforementioned villages from the Floresti district, with connection to the current aqueduct Zaluceni-Targul Vertiujeni-Vertiujeni from the Floresti district, with financing from sources of the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL).    

The financing contract was signed in Floresti today, in the presence of Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu, on a working visit to the North Development Region.    

The project, Construction of the feed pipe between the villages Cernita, Cosernita, Temeleuti, from the Floresti district, with connection to the current aqueduct Zaluceni-Targul Vertiujeni-Vertiujeni from the Floresti district, sees that during   15 days, 7,990 metres of water main should be constructed, in order to ensure the access to drinking water of the Dniester river for the villages Cernita, Cosernita, Temeleuti and the Vascauti commune, where 3,525 citizens live. ‘’The project also sees the construction of a station for pumping drinking water, two water reservoirs of underground drinking water and the drilling of three wells,’’ ADR Nord sources have told MOLDPRES.    

The overall value of the new project, under the Decision by the National Council of Coordination of the Regional and Local Development from 21 June 2024, and the financing contract signed today, is of over 17.2 million lei (860,000 euros), of which about 15.5 million lei is demanded from FNDRL and the rest – partners’ contribution. On the next period, ADR Nord will initiate and carry out the procedure of public procurements within the project.       

The new project represents a continuation of two earlier projects implemented in the Floresti district. It is about the project, Water for life in the North region: Floresti and Soroca districts, worth about 62.9 million lei, implemented from sources FNDRL, Foundation Moldova’s Branch of the SKAT Foundation – implementer of the Project of Switzerland on Water and Sanitation in Moldova (ApaSan), Floresti Public utilities stock company and of the partner mayoralties on the period 2017-2020 period and the project, Water for life in the North region: the Floresti and Soroca districts 2, worth 35.9 million lei in all, implemented from FNDRL sources on the period July 2022-July 2023.  Following the implementation of these two projects, 16 settlements of the Floresti district have access to drinking water.       

Following the event on the signing of the new financing contract, Minister Andrei Spinu visited the villages of Iliciovca and Trifanesti, where a station for pumping drinking water and two water towers were constructed within the project, Water for life in the North region: the Floresti and Soroca districts 2, implemented by ADR Nord in 2023 in six settlements of the Floresti district. About 6,000 residents of the villages of Iliciovca, Sevirova, Ivanovca, Trifanesti, Alexandrovca and Izvoare, 22 public institutions and 52 economic agents already enjoy water from the Dniester river.      

The project, Construction of the feed pipe between the villages Cernita, Cosernita, Temeleuti,  from the Floresti district, with connection to the current aqueduct Zaluceni-Targul Vertiujeni-Vertiujeni from the Floresti district, was included in the Single Programme Document from the 2022-2024 years, approved under the Government Decision No 23 from 12 January 2022 and is to be implemented by ADR Nord according to the Decision National Council of Coordination of the Regional and Local Development  from 21 June 2024 and the annual plan on the implementation of the National Regional Development Strategy (2022-2028), in coordination with the Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry, from FNDRL sources and from partners’ financial contribution.  







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