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National Bank of Moldova launches new version of portal RCA.BNM.MD, innovating function access to history of damages recorded by vehicle

10:05 | 30.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - The National Bank of Moldova (BNM) launches a new version of the portal RCA.BNM.MD and will implement a new format for the internal RCA insurance policy, in the context of the continuous modernization of the financial services.    

According to BNM, the new version of the portal RCA.BNM.MD ( serves as single point of access to the data related to the civil liability insurance for car owners, issued by the participants in the insurances market from Moldova. This portal facilitates the access to the data generated and hosted by the Automated State Information System in the field of compulsory insurances RCA. The portal provides to the consumers of financial services the essential digital instruments for the calculation of the insurance premium, verification of the status of vehicle’s internal and external insurances, getting information about the Bonus-Malus classes and the history of the vehicle’s damages registered.         

One of the most important and innovating functionalities of the new version of the RCA.BNM.MD   portal is the access to the history of damages registered based on the single identification code (VIN code) of the vehicle. This functionality considerably enhances the transparency and provides the users with a clear-cut and detailed image of vehicle’s history of damages.  

Through a simple introduction of the VIN code, users can quickly get damage files of the vehicle managed by insurance societies from Moldova or the National Bureau of the Insurers of Vehicles from Moldova, as case may be. This new functionality is essential, in order to provide the wide public with confidence and certainty in the transactions on the sale and purchase of vehicles. Thus, the possibility to verify the history of damages will allow avoiding potential problems related to the vices hidden.    

Also, the form and content of the standardized form, Compulsory Insurance Policy RCA (internal), were updated and new the policy is in the A5 format. The new format includes a QR code, which, upon scanning, allows verifying the validity of the insurance policy and provides detailed information on the history of damages registered of the vehicle.     



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