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Spokesman for Moldova's government candidacy of new finance minister to be clear till 31 July

12:20 | 30.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has informed in public space that the candidacy of the new finance minister, due to replace Petru Rotaru in office, would be clear till 31 July. The spokesman for the government, Daniel Voda, made statements to this effect, while answering questions on the candidacy of the next finance minister.

„According to the procedure, the prime minister makes the nomination which he puts forward to the head of state, after which the ceremony of swearing in office is held. We will come up with more details on this subject subsequently and will inform  the public opinion, when there is more information on the concerned topic,’’ Daniel Voda said after the cabinet meeting. He noted that the today’s government meeting was the last one in which Petru Rotaru had participated in the office of finance minister.      

Last week, Prime Minister Dorin Recean informed that Petru Rotaru was leaving the position of finance minister, as his candidacy had been put forward for the office of deputy governor of the National Bank of Moldova.   



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