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Modern waste management system to be developed in Ungheni city of Moldova

15:40 | 30.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - A modern waste deposit will be constructed in the Floritoaia Veche settlement, western Ungheni district and waste transfer stations will be built in Nisporeni and Niscani (Calarasi district) in 2025. Also, all unauthorized waste deposits will be closed, the households will be endowed with dumping carts and a regional sanitation operator will be nominated.     

The details of the works today were discussed by Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu, who made a visit to Ungheni. At the visit, the minister discussed important subjects on the management of waste and other environment-related subjects with mayors of the district. The Ungheni district, along with the districts of Calarasi and Nisporeni, are part of the Waste Management Region 5 (RMD 5) and at the moment, it records the best results within the Solid Waste in Moldova national project.  

The National Waste Management Strategy 2013-2027 provides for the regionalization of the waste management services, presently fragmented in eight waste management areas. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development provided Moldova with a loan worth 25 million euros, co-financed by a loan of 25 million lei on behalf of the European Investment Bank, for more waste management areas.      



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