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Restrictions concerning access to Chisinau International Airport extended by 30 days

16:11 | 30.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - The measures concerning the limited access to the Chisinau International Airport have been extended by another 30 days till 28 August 2024. The Border Police today announced a decision to this effect.    

Thus, the access to the terminal is allowed only to the passengers with ticket and document of travel, authorized staff and airships’ crews.   

In these conditions, passengers are urged to come to the Airport three hours before the flight at the latest, in order to manage to cover all formalities needed for the travel and avoid being late for the flight. The warning comes, given that, on the summer period, the schedule of flights is quite burdened and the flow of passengers is high.   

The measures as to the limited access to the Chisinau International Airport have been enforces since 1 May 2024. They were initially announced for a period of 30 days and the term was extended several times.    


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