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Moldovan parliament to hold last plenary meeting of 2024 spring session on 31 July

18:55 | 30.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s parliament on 31 July will hold its last plenary meeting of the 2024 spring session. The parliament’s standing bureau today completed the agenda of the plenary meeting.   

The MPs are to consider 31 draft acts. The ratification of two agreements on financial assistance, provided to Moldova by the World Bank, was included in the supplement of the agenda. The parliament is to approve, in the final reading, the budgetary, fiscal and customs policy for the 2025 year. At the plenary meeting, the lawmakers will also discuss the amendments to the Law on museums and the adjusting of the structure and the limit staff of the National Anticorruption Centre.  

The agenda of the parliament also comprises some appointments to office: Petru Rotaru as deputy governor of the National Bank of Moldova (BNM), Diana Lapteacru – deputy president of the Competition Council’s Plenum, Ionel Sirghii – member of the Competition Council’s Plenum. The parliament is to take note of the resignation of the Mariana Lucreteanu, who was appointed as state secretary of the Interior Ministry.      

The parliament will convene at the plenary meeting on 31 July at 11:00.



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