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Employees of Moldovan Intelligence and Security Service, Prosecutor's Office for Special Causes make raid to parliament

11:01 | 31.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - Employees of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combatting of Organized Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) and officers of the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) made a raid to the parliament today.   

Contacted by MOLDPRES, the spokeswoman for SIS, Daniela Minzatu, said that ‘’procedural actions are carried out in a criminal file, under the leadership of PCCOCS prosecutors. ‘’We will come up with details later on,’’ Minzatu noted.    

The carrying out of the procedural actions was confirmed for Moldpres also by the press service of PCCOCS.

We will come up with details.



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