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Moldovan parliament appoints new deputy governor of National Bank of Moldova

12:00 | 31.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today appointed Finance Minister Petru Rotaru as deputy governor of the National Bank of Moldova (BNM) for a seven-year term. The candidacy of Rotaru was backed with the votes of 59 MPs.

The draft was considered, after last week BNM Governor Anca Dragu had submitted to the parliament the proposal on the appointment of finance minister Petru Rotaru to the position of the central bank’s deputy governor.    

„Thank you for every effort and I wish you much success in the new office,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said.   

Petru Rotaru has so far held the position of finance minister. He was appointed to this office in September 2023. Rotaru has earlier acted as head of the State Fiscal Office (SFS).  

Victoria Belous, who works as SFS deputy head, was put forward for the position of finance minister, instead of Petru Rotaru.    



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