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Moldovan parliament votes budgetary, fiscal, customs policy for 2025 year in final reading

15:13 | 31.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today voted the budgetary, fiscal and customs policy for the 2025 year in the final reading. The document proposed by the government provides for amendments to 13 laws, necessary for ensuring the economic, social and investment sustainability.    

Thus, the personal exemptions and the ones for the maintained people will be increased by ten per cent. Also, the spectrum of revenues exempted from taxes will be extended too. It is about the incomes got by private people after selling of a touring car owned for at least three years; the incomes of private people from the interests got from the state securities and the bonds issued by the local authorities; incomes got from the sale of electric energy by private people who produce renewable energy and for whom the mechanism of net metering/invoicing is applied.  

The amendments also envisage the exemption from the payment of the income tax for the payment of the education within the limit of the sum of the average salary and for the expenses dealing with the insurance premiums for private people, in case of fires, calamities, etc.  

At the same time, the document also establishes the deduction of the expenses of the economic agents for presents in kind, including vouchers provided to employees, the annual quantum of which for one employee does not exceed cumulatively the value of 10 per cent of the average monthly salary on the economy, forecast and approved by the government for the year when it was provided.  Decision-makers will also deduct the expenses borne by the employer for any payments made for the employee, students probationers or pupils, based on the relations regulated by the Education Code and the Law on dual education.  

In the customs sector, the draft has the goal to extend the validity term of the authorizations for the special customs regimes till 1 January 2027 and exonerate the guaranteeing of the goods placed in customs regime of temporary admission for projects of technical and investment assistance or active qualification till 31 December 2026.   

Also, the fines for the customs declarations or accompanying documents with erroneous data will be decreased from 40 to 2 per cent, if the goods were subjected to the full physical control and received the customs acceptance.    


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