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Moldova's legislation on evaluation, accreditation in health to be adjusted to European practices

16:13 | 31.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The legislation on the evaluation and accreditation in health has been amended. The parliament voted in the second reading a draft law stipulating this. The draft’s goal is to remove the non-conformities and the provisions with contradictory character, which negatively influence the process of evaluation and accreditation of the providers of medical services.     

The legislative initiative has also the goal of adjusting the field of evaluation and accreditation in health from Moldova to the good European practices, thus contributing to a better trust of the residents in the quality of the services provided, as well as to the patients’ safety. The notion of accreditation was changed in the legislation.  

Also, the lawmakers introduced amendments as regards the content of the certificate of accreditation and its issuance, which will facilitate the identification of the provider of medical services and the monitoring of the conformity of the services provided in its subdivisions and branches. Thus, if the separate subdivision and/or branch is accredited, the separate accreditation certificate is issued.    

The authors of the initiative propose to exclude the term which limits the duration of the evaluation visit and, at the same time, propose the change of the term for requesting the procedure of evaluation and accreditation. At present, the providers of medical services initiate the procedure of evaluation and accreditation by at least 45 calendar days before the expiration of the validity term of the accreditation certificate - enough time for a qualitative and objective procedure. For this reason, the period was extended from 45 to 90 calendar days.   

The draft law sees also the regulation of the conditions for the evaluation and accreditation of the newly-created providers of medical services. The new amendments will bring more clarity also at the calculation of the taxes for the evaluation and accreditation services. As for the evaluation, the state and private providers of medical services will be subjected to evaluation and accreditation once in five years.     


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