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REFERENDUM 2024 // EU accession - country's first major project after independence

19:18 | 02.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Chisinau, Aug 2 /MOLDPRES/- 

Moldovan citizens will take part in a constitutional referendum on October 20, 2024, in which they will answer the question "Do you agree with amending the Constitution for Moldova's accession to the European Union?".

The results of the plebiscite will provide the basis, if the majority of the population answers yes to this question, for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova so that the desire for European integration will be binding for all governments.

By definition, the Republic of Moldova belongs to the European Union and the desire for European integration is laid down in the Declaration of Independence. The European Community offers sustainability, economic development, peace and security. EU Member States represent a living source of culture and civilization, people who are different but united by the same values. The views were expressed by Ion Tighineanu, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Alexandra Piscunov, mayor, Vadul lui Isac village, Cahul, and Nicolae Hristov, director of the Regional Development Agency (ADR) South during the campaign REFERENDUM 2024 conducted by MOLDPRES news agency.

Ion Tighineanu, president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova: "It is necessary to mobilize the widest possible mobilization of society at the referendum, it is an unprecedented opportunity and we have no moral right to miss it"

"Accession to the European Union is a major country project, perhaps even the first country project in all these years since the proclamation of Moldova's independence. Our place is by definition in Europe, because geographically, historically, culturally and politically we are part of European civilization. This is one of the governing ideas clearly laid down in the Republic of Moldova's 'Declaration of Independence'. For the success of this Constitutional Referendum, the broadest possible mobilization of society is necessary to ensure a massive turnout at the referendum. This is an unprecedented opportunity for us and we have no moral right to miss it. 

The upward development of the countries which joined the European Union in 2004, 2007 and 2013 is as convincing an example as possible for the Republic of Moldova, an example worth following. The European Union is an interactive network of states where constructive and synergetic interaction prevails, and in a network it is easier to face the challenges of the times.

The European Union for us means peace, security, prosperity, the possibility of free movement of people, goods and ideas. Science is an international multidisciplinary activity and Moldova's accession to the European Union will certainly have a beneficial impact on the development of scientific research in our country".

Alexandra Piscunov, Mayor, Vadul lui Isac village, Cahul: "The presence of every citizen is important because every vote is a confirmation of our country's national project - EU membership"

"Now that we are living in times when transparency and democracy are the priority criteria in decision-making, it is obvious that in the referendum every citizen has the prerogative and the chance to directly exercise their national sovereignty by expressing their will to decide the European path of the country. There is no doubt that the presence of every citizen is important because every vote is a confirmation of our country's national project, a confirmation of Moldova's European path.

Accession to the European Union is the only way for Moldova to develop. Throughout my time as mayor, we have had the great opportunity to go on study visits where we learn from best practices. Undoubtedly, European integration means investments from European funds, markets where our citizens can place their products.

The motto of the European Union is 'Unity through Diversity', and we have the opportunity to get to know new cultures, people who are different, but who are based on art, culture, common sense. The world is so varied and so different that it would be a pity not to take up or promote art, culture, national values. It is an opportunity for knowledge and development. It is a total revelation when you see medieval art in one country, in another country you see monuments that take us back to another era. It is the opportunity to get to know the beautiful, varied, different world".

Director of the South Regional Development Agency Nicolae Hristov: "Our development efforts are deeply anchored in the strategic goal of European integration"

"At the heart of our vision for regional development is the modernization of essential infrastructure needed to improve the quality of life of citizens and to create an environment for sustainable economic growth. This is supported by the European Union, whose assistance is vital to accelerate our projects and bring them in line with European standards and practices.

Our development efforts are deeply anchored in the strategic objective of European integration, which guides all our initiatives and projects. 




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