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Prime Minister visits asphalt production business in Telenesti district

18:16 | 02.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 2 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean visited a business specialized in asphalt production, sand and gravel extraction, road construction and maintenance during his working visit to Telenesti district. The enterprise has been operating on the market for more than 20 years, the government's communication department has reported.

Four months ago, the enterprise expanded its activity to the asphalt production segment, after the entrepreneur imported the necessary machinery.

"So far, we were buying asphalt to participate in various road repair projects. The new plant allows us to produce 120 tons of asphalt per hour, we import the raw materials from Bulgaria, Romania and Greece," business manager Nicolae Străjescu said.

The Prime Minister congratulated the entrepreneur for the business development and noted that the sector has potential, as the improvement of road infrastructure is a priority for the government and more and more projects will be initiated in this direction.

The entrepreneur is now planning to increase production capacities by purchasing new technology and building its own laboratory. The Prime Minister urged him to consider the possibilities of financing through the programs of the Entrepreneurship Development Organization.

Last year the enterprise provided services worth 34 million lei. Nicolae Străjescu is proud of helping to carry out infrastructure projects in his district and neighboring areas - he has repaired roads in Soldanesti, Singerei, the road leading to Telenesti city hall, the road in the village of Ciutulești, Floresti district, and in Sărătenii Vechi, Telenesti district. The company employs 40 core staff and hires 12 seasonal workers.




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