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Moldovan president approached referendum, EU membership with group of content creators

19:18 | 02.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 2 /MOLDPRES/- Head of state Maia Sandu discussed today with several online content creators about the referendum, accession to the European Union and the benefits of the European path for the whole country, which are already being felt in every locality through improved living conditions, the presidential press service has reported.

During the meeting, the president stressed the importance of a responsible dialogue with followers on social networks and online communities. The Head of State spoke about the verification of information taken from the public space, the prevention of the spread of falsehoods and the danger of disinformation campaigns on the internet aimed at manipulating public opinion through lies, fake news and propaganda.

Maia Sandu's discussion with the group of online content creators is part of a series of consultations with representatives of different social categories and communities on the referendum on Moldova's accession to the European Union.






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