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University candidates find out intermediate admission results

19:14 | 05.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug. 5 /MOLDPRES/- Higher education institutions across the country announced today the intermediate results of the admission contest. Candidates who submitted applications received a message by phone or e-mail informing them whether they have been admitted.

At the same time, candidates can check the websites of the institutions to see whether or not they have been admitted to study.

They can enter platform.
The final results of the basic session will be announced on August 9.

Candidates who were not admitted to the university or failed to apply for the basic session will have another chance to do so in the additional session, due on August 10-14.

The university admission competition took place on July 22 - 31. It was held for the first time online, on platform.

In Moldova there are 16 higher education institutions with over 200 specialties and study programs, with about 56 thousand students.


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