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National Programme for Investment Attraction and Export Promotion 2024-2028 published in Official Journal of Moldova

12:48 | 06.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 aug. /MOLDPRES/- The National Programme for Investment Attraction and Export Promotion 2024-2028 was published in the Official Journal today.

This is a policy document to guide the actions of public authorities in attracting investment and promoting exports, in order to create an integrated economy in the EU economic space.

The program targets subsectors with higher industrial processing and complexity, such as: production of electrical machinery and equipment; production of mechanical devices; optical devices; vehicles, as well as pharmaceutical production.

The authorities estimate that the implementation of the programme will increase the share of exports of goods and services in GDP from 45.5 to 53.5% and reduce the trade deficit from 33.6 to 25.2%.

The total cost of program implementation is estimated at 1.525 billion lei.




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