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Tender for design, construction of new Soroca wastewater treatment plant to start in August

15:11 | 06.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug. 6 /MOLDPRES/- Tender for the design and construction of the new wastewater treatment plant (SEAU) in Soroca will begin this month. Environment Minister Sergiu Lazarencu made the statement today. He had a meeting with Soroca mayors to discuss solutions to the environmental problems in the region, the most serious being the lack of a sewage treatment plant in the municipality.

The minister announced that the project will also include the expansion of the sewage network and will be implemented with the support of the World Bank and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

The meeting also focused on the implementation of an effective waste management system to create cleaner localities. Soroca district is part of the Waste Management Region (RMD) 7/6, where the construction of approximately 7 transfer stations is expected. One of these stations will be built in Hristici, Soroca district, and the waste deposit will be built in Bilicenii Noi, Sângerei district.

In September, the European Investment Bank plans to announce the tender for carrying out the Feasibility Study for RMD 6. This region includes the districts of Soldănești, Rezina, Telenesti, Orhei and RMD 7 which includes the municipality of Bălți, as well as the districts of Drochia, Râșcani, Glodeni, Florești, Fălești, Sangerei and Soroca.





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