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Since 2022, when we initiated European Village Program, almost 1.8 billion lei invested in over 900 localities - Moldovan infrastructure minister says

20:25 | 07.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- Since 2022, when we initiated the European Village Program, almost 1.8 billion lei (90 million euros) have been invested in 906 localities. The money has been used to improve living conditions in our villages and towns. Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIDR) Andrei Spînu made the statement today.

"The European Village program demonstrates that together - the central administration, with the financial support of partner countries from the European Union and the perseverance of local administration - we manage to transform locality by locality and thus modernize the whole of Moldova. In the last 3 years, 90 kindergartens, 20 nursery groups, 84 high schools and gymnasiums and 99 cultural houses have been renovated in different regions of the country. We have managed to renovate or build 750 km of water supply systems, 135 km of sewage networks and about 610 km of street lighting networks," the official said.

According to the minister, a total of 748 applications have been submitted to the European Village program, 2024 edition. More than 80% of city halls from all over the country participated with one project. The European Village, edition 2024, is even more successful than the first edition, as demonstrated by all the mayors who applied to the call.

According to Spînu, most projects (42%) were submitted for water supply and sanitation. More than 20% provide for energy efficiency works, 15% - for the modernization of sports infrastructure and 9% - for the renovation of cultural houses and monuments.

Thus, 612 localities have been selected to benefit from projects implemented under the national program European Village 2024 edition.

As a result, more than 1 million people from Moldovan villages will benefit.

MIDR head denied rumors that the state does not have sufficient resources for the program. "These are falsehoods, there is money for all the planned investments, on the contrary, we want to invest even more," the source said.

The European Village program was launched in 2022 at the initiative of President Maia Sandu. Through it, initiatives on the development of localities are financed. According to the head of state, the investments in the development of localities and national infrastructure made during this mandate are the biggest since independence, and EU accession will allow us to modernize more localities faster, so that every Moldovan family can have good living conditions.





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