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Moldovan government appoints directors of three agencies

19:39 | 07.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- Government today appointed directors of three agencies. The decision was necessary after changes were made in the legislation and according to the new rules, the heads of institutions subordinated to ministries are persons of public dignity and must be appointed by a government decision.

Thus, Vasile Chetrușca was appointed director of the National Auto Transport Agency. "Vasile Chetrușca already holds this position, but after the amendment of the legislation, the heads of institutions subordinated to ministries are persons of public dignity and are appointed by the Government," Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spînu said.

Mihai Lupașcu was also appointed director of the Cyber Security Agency. Lupașcu has been holding the position since March 2024.

Nicolae Jelamschi was appointed director of the National Agency for Public Health under the new legislative provisions. Nicolae Jelamschi has been holding the position since fall 2021.


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