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Moldovan government approves medium-term budget framework for next three years

18:49 | 07.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- Government today approved the medium-term budget framework 2025-2027. The document sets out the objectives of the budgetary-fiscal policy and determines the framework of resources and expenditures of the national public budget for the next three years, the government's communication department has reported.

The medium-term budget framework is predictable and will ensure the stability of state investments in the Government builds projects. The priorities of economic and social reforms are based on the government activity program, the National Development Strategy European Moldova 2030, the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union and other strategic documents.

According to the estimates, the national public budget revenues will increase by 17.2% in 2027 compared to 2025, while the increase in expenditures will be 15.2%. Under these conditions, the deficit of the national public budget is expected to decrease from 3.8% of GDP in 2025 to 3.1% in 2027. Also, in 2024, real GDP growth is expected to be around 2.5%, and in the following forecast years (2025-2027) - between 3 and 3.7%.

The document is updated annually by the Ministry of Finance. It is the initial stage in elaborating the medium-term fiscal policy and the draft annual budget and will guide the public authorities in setting the budget proposals for 2025.


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