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Health treatment tickets more affordable for citizens

19:11 | 07.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- War veterans, people with disabilities due to the war, people affected by the Chernobyl disaster and other categories of citizens will have easier access to health treatment tickets. The cabinet approved a decision today.

According to the government's communication department, the project aims to reduce bureaucracy and increase the accessibility of sanatorium treatment services for beneficiaries through the use of digital tools. 

Thus, the application can be submitted electronically, through or on the official website of the National Social Insurance House. The number of documents to be submitted by the applicant will also be reduced and the exchange of information between the responsible institutions will be automated.

According to the statistics by the National Social Insurance House, in 2022, about 6,500 sanatorium treatment tickets worth over 57 million lei were distributed, and in 2023 - about 6,650 tickets of more than 68 million lei.

The project will enter into force six months after the date of approval.


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