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Moldovan government sets clear rules on people's exposure to electromagnetic fields

19:25 | 07.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- Population's exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), with frequencies from 0 Hz to 300 GHz will be limited by a health regulation approved today by the government. This is the first document that will regulate the field in order to reduce associated risks and protect vulnerable groups such as children and people with medical conditions, the government's communication department has reported.

The document includes recommendations for designing homes and workplaces to minimize EMF exposure and protect public health. It also lists practices, such as moderate use of mobile devices, to reduce personal exposure.

The provisions of the regulation are mandatory for the design, construction, installation of radio communication stations, as well as their reconstruction, reinstallation and modernization. At the same time, the document will not apply to electromagnetic fields from diagnostic and treatment equipment.

The National Agency for Public Health and the National Agency for Regulation of Electronic Communications and Information Technology will be responsible for the implementation of the new provisions, which will contribute to the creation of safer and more energy-efficient devices and promote research in the technologies for reducing EMF emissions.


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