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Ministry of Energy initiates procedure for establishing early alert state on natural gas market

18:36 | 08.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, August 8 /MOLDPRES/- Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Moldova announced today that it is initiating the procedure for establishing the early alert state on the natural gas market. The decision was taken at the proposal of the natural gas transmission system operator Vestmoldtransgaz, in connection with the information from the Ukrainian operator regarding the situation at Sudja gas measuring station in the Russian Federation.

Today Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov summoned the companies in the sector and heard the reports of the relevant institutions regarding the operational situation in the energy sector, including potential risks and their management protocols.

The Ministry of Energy announced that based on the data provided by the companies, "the conditions for the establishment of the early alert state on the natural gas market have been met." 

Parlicov emphasized that after two and a half years of war, the gas system in the region is operating in a relatively normal regime, which indicates that Ukraine and the Russian Federation treat the gas infrastructure with maximum attention.

"At the moment, there is no imminent risk of stopping the supply of gas to the left bank, but we need reaction time to manage the situation if something happens. There are things that do not depend on us and that we cannot control, in localities where military operations take place, so we must be prepared for any scenario", said Parlicov.

According to the data of the operators, natural gas is delivered through Ukraine to the Transnistrian region in a normal regime, at the same time there are sufficient volumes of gas for the needs of the right bank of the Dniester, including security stocks and commercially contracted volumes by market operators.



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