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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: Dărcăuţi village becoming cleaner thanks to state investments in Environmental Fund

18:57 | 08.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, August 8 /MOLDPRES/- Five uncontrolled landfills from Dărcăuți village, Soroca district were closed with the help of the state. This means that over a thousand families will live in a cleaner, well-arranged and healthy locality, according to ecological standards.

The Ministry of Environment has allocated 900 thousand lei (45 thousand euros) from the Environmental Fund for the closure of five uncontrolled landfills, the purchase of 450 dumpsters and the procurement of a specialized machine for loading and unloading them in Dărcăuți. In a short time, the residents will have a sanitation service for centralized waste disposal. Thus, the inhabitants of Dărcăuti and Mălcăuti will have a modernized sanitation system and a cleaner and more comfortable locality.

"This project is an example of good practices and a model for other rural localities to follow", Minister of Environment Sergiu Lazarencu said.

In this context, the official encouraged the mayors of other localities to prepare environmental projects and apply for funding at the next call from the Environmental Fund, offered by the National Office for Implementation of Projects in the Environment. 




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