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Over 65% of Moldova's exports go to European Union

12:17 | 09.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- Over 65% of Moldova's exports go to the European Union and more than 81% of foreign direct investments in the economy come from the EU, according to Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba.

"I will not tire of repeating: the EU is the main investor in Moldova and the main market for our products. More than 81% of foreign direct investments in the economy come from the EU. According to the data of the Public Services Agency of 2023, there are 4900 companies with capital from EU member states in our country, with a total investment value of 20 billion lei. The main investing countries are Romania, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany", said Dumitru Alaiba.

"These are pleasing figures, but most importantly, the opportunities grow even more as we get closer to EU membership," Alaiba said.




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