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EU membership to primarily benefit Moldovan citizens - MP says

14:40 | 09.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- The accession to the EU will primarily benefit the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, through much larger investments in roads, schools, hospitals, economic growth, higher incomes, peace and security inside Moldova. MP Radu Marian made the statements in the context of reports by some analysts that the government's obtaining the status of EU candidate country and the opening of negotiations are "external achievements" determined by the "tragic circumstances" in Ukraine.

Progress on EU accession "is not just foreign policy progress - it is primarily domestic policy progress, i.e. major strategic progress for the people inside our country."

"Accession to the EU will bring first and foremost benefits for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, through much greater investment in roads, schools, hospitals, economic growth, higher incomes, peace and security inside Moldova. It is wrong to say that this process is just a matter of foreign policy, and it is also wrong to say that these results are only due to the circumstances generated by the war in Ukraine. Indeed, the EU's outlook changed dramatically after Russia's illegal invasion of the neighboring country and it became more open to enlargement and acceptance of new member countries, but the progress we have made - namely obtaining the status of candidate country for EU membership and opening negotiations - would not have been possible without the reforms achieved internally," he said.

He mentioned Georgia as an example, or other countries that started the accession process much earlier. 


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