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MOLDATSA company has new director

17:11 | 09.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Aug 9 /MOLDPRES/- Moldavian Air Traffic Services Authority MOLDATSA has a new administrator. Dumitru Vangheli will hold the post, after the former director applied for resignation.

According to the Public Property Agency, the change comes after Oleg Popșoi's mandate as interim administrator of MOLDATSA company ended yesterday.

Dumitru Vangheli will act as interim administrator for a transitional period until a competition is organized. 

APP Director-General Roman Cojuhari today introduced the new interim administrator to the MOLDATSA team and wished him success in his work. At the same time, Roman Cojuhari thanked Oleg Popșoi for his hard work and cooperation during the period of the enterprise's management.


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