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Wrestler Anastasia Nichita became Olympic vice-champion

13:36 | 10.08.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 9 Aug. /MOLDPRES/- Wrestler Anastasia Nichita won the silver medal at the Olympic Games in Paris, this being the fourth medal won by athletes from the Republic of Moldova at this Olympics and the first silver medal. It is the first time in the history of women's wrestling in the Republic of Moldova that an athlete from our country is on the podium at the Summer Olympics.

Anastasia Nichita (57 kg) lost in the final to Japan's Tsugumi Sakurai. 

For the silver medal, Anastasia Nichita will receive a prize of 2.6 million lei from the Government.

The silver won by Anastasia Nichita is the fourth medal brought by athletes from the Republic of Moldova at the Summer Olympics. So far, judokas Denis Vieru and Adil Osmanov, as well as canoeist Serghei Tarnovschi have won bronze.

The Republic of Moldova offers 3 million lei for the gold medal, winning the silver medal will be rewarded with 2.6 million lei, and for the bronze medal a prize of 2 million lei is awarded. Awards will also be given to the coaches who trained the athletes in the last four years, as well as to the medical staff who provided medical and physical therapy assistance for four years.

Moldova is represented by 26 athletes, in ten events at the Summer Olympic Games.

The 33rd edition of the Summer Olympic Games takes place in Paris from July 26 to August 11 this year. In total, 10,500 athletes compete in the event, in 32 events, for the first time exact parity was achieved between male and female athletes.








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