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Moldovan president hands state flag to athletes participating in Paris Paralympics Games

11:05 | 12.08.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, Aug 12 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu handed over the state flag to the athletes participating in the Paralympics Games in Paris during a festive ceremony today.

The head of state noted that these athletes by their daily work demonstrate that with courage and willpower all obstacles can be overcome. "We know that you have to work harder than others for results and we support you. This year we have spectacular results at the Olympic Games, we have the highest number of medals since independence. And these medals reflect the result of the hard work of athletes and teams and I want to believe that this result is also a part of the effort made by the authorities. In recent years, the budget for sport has doubled, scholarships have tripled and we will continue this trend because we want better conditions for our athletes. I wish you more medals, but whatever the results are, we support you and we are proud", said Maia Sandu.

Attending the event, Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun wished the athletes success and noted that the flag that is being handed over to them today "is not just a symbol, but represents the hopes and aspirations of an entire nation".

"You are examples of courage. It is not easy to overcome your limits, but you have shown that you can. These impressive results would not be possible without the work of the coaches. In Paris the whole country will support you, millions of hearts will beat for you. Moldova has a historic Olympic year and I am sure that the number of medals will increase. Your effort and determination give us the responsibility to do more and invest in sport. May the Moldovan flag fly proudly in Paris," said Perciun.

Five athletes - Ion Basoc, Ina Cernei, Larisa Marinenkova, Oleg Crețul, Gheorghe Spînu will go to the Paralympic Games in Paris, due on August 28. Three of them are part of the national para judo team and one each of para powerlifting and para athletics.












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