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Mobile Team service to be expanded to three more districts

18:06 | 12.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, August 12 /MOLDPRES/- Three cars worth 1.150 million lei were donated today to Territorial Social Assistance Agency (ATAS) North. With the help of vehicles, social workers will be able to provide services to more citizens in the territory, especially in more remote and hard-to-reach towns and communities.

The three cars will be used to expand the mobile teams within the Territorial Structures of Social Assistance subordinated to ATAS Nord. Thus, the donation will contribute to the launch of the Mobile Team Service in three other districts of our country. These are Ocnița, Râșcani and Briceni. The Mobile Team service assumes that a team of professionals moves to the home of the beneficiaries, who are children and adults with severe disabilities, to offer services and support for the rehabilitation and integration of these people into the community and society.

The vehicles were purchased with the financial support of the European Union under the project Moldova Assist: improving access to quality public services and social cohesion, financed by the European Union and implemented by People in Need Moldova.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu said today at the car donation event "the main stake of the RESTART reform is the investments in frontline colleges".

Marcia Kammitsi, Program Manager of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova said that the donation offered lays the foundation of a very important service, namely the social assistance service, to create a resilient society and ensure stability. "Every person, no matter where they live, should have free access to services that can improve their quality of life. These mobile units will provide specialized services to alleviate the challenges some people face. The purpose of the donation is for these three mobile units to fill the missing places, overcome barriers and make a tangible change in the lives of individuals and families in regions where this service has not existed before," the official said.

Guillermo Llinas, Country Director, People in Need Moldova said that the donated vehicles will create conditions to deliver quality services to people in need.

Director of the Territorial Agency for Social Assistance North Alina Postolache said that with the donation, the Agency will be able to provide services to a larger number of beneficiaries.

The donation takes place in the context of the implementation of the Restart reform. The reform aims to improve governance and transparency in the social assistance system and ensure uniform and fair access of the vulnerable population to quality social services.



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