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Citizens to be able to sign electronically to support presidential candidates

12:10 | 14.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Aug 14 /MOLDPRES/- Voters will be able to sign electronically in support of candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova.

According to CEC, in the presidential elections of October 20 the collection of signatures in support of candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova will be allowed in addition to the electronic subscription list managed by the Central Electoral Commission. Authentication and signing in the System will be possible only by electronic or mobile signature, through the MPass Service.

Thus, the initiative group will submit on paper the subscription lists with the minimum number established by the electoral legislation of 15000 valid signatures of supporters, and the difference up to 25000 signatures can be collected through the system.

The CEC recalls that a voter may support by signature on the subscription lists more than one candidate, but may not support the same candidate by signature two or more times.

The reception of documents for the registration of initiative groups to support candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova will start on August 21.


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