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Vetting Commission set up panels responsible for evaluating appeal court judges

19:28 | 14.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, August 14 /MOLDPRES/- Vetting Commission set up panels responsible for evaluating appeal court judges, court presidents and vice-presidents, as well as other subjects.

The panels' powers are identical to those of the Commission, with the goal of the external assessment of the ethical and financial integrity of the subjects of the evaluation.

The six members of the Commission were divided into two panels, made up of three members, generically named Panel A and Panel B. Each panel includes both national and international members, thus ensuring the representativeness of both categories of members.

Thus, panel A will be led by Commission's president Scott Bales, and will also include Willem Brouwer and Iurie Gațcan. Panel B will be led by vice-president of the Commission Andrei Bivol, and will also include Lavly Perling and Lilian Enciu.

The President and Vice-President of the Commission will lead the panel meetings, the hearings, and will sign the reports and documents related to the evaluation process. The quorum of the panel is made up of all three members, and decisions must be taken unanimously. If there is no unanimity, the evaluation report will be examined by the entire Commission.

The assessment files are randomly distributed between the two panels. The Commission also has the right to adjust the composition of the panels according to the workload.


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