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Presidential candidates must have initiative group

17:12 | 15.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, August 15 /MOLDPRES/- Candidates nominated for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova will necessarily form an initiative group that will be registered with the Central Electoral Commission /CEC/.

According to the CEC, if the initiative comes from citizens, the initiative group will consist of at least 25 and at most 100 people with the right to vote.

The initiative group is established at the citizens' meeting where the support of the candidate for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova is decided, the leader of the group is elected and the list of members of the initiative group is approved. The presidential candidate must participate in the meeting to establish the initiative group and may even be elected leader of the group.

The CEC members noted that at the meetings of the central bodies of the parties and electoral blocs, during which the candidate for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova is nominated, the list of members is also approved and the initiative group is established to collect the signatures of the candidate's supporters.

For the registration of the initiative group, the candidate no later than 50 days before the election day, submits the following documents to the Central Electoral Commission: the application in written form regarding the registration of the initiative group; the report of the meeting of the citizens' assembly / central body regarding the support /nomination of the candidate for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova; the list, in the original, of the citizens who participated in the assembly to establish the initiative group. The list will include the name, surname, year of birth, domicile and signatures; the list of members of the initiative group; the declaration of the nominated candidate on his consent to be supported as a candidate for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova.

The declaration will be written personally by the candidate at the headquarters of the Central Electoral Commission and presented simultaneously with the documents.

Within three days of receiving the documents, the CEC verifies their correctness and decides on the registration or refusal to register the initiative group.

For this year's elections, the nomination period for presidential candidates will begin on August 21, 2024.

On October 20, the Republic of Moldova will hold the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum on the accession to the European Union.


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