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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: About 3,300 inhabitants of Buțeni have access to drinking water

20:06 | 16.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, August 16 /MOLDPRES/- About 3,300 inhabitants of Buteni village, Hâncești district have access to drinking water after a modern water treatment station was built in the locality. The works were included in the European Village program.

Following the implementation of the project, the 960 households in the locality, as well as the social institutions, as well as 12 economic agents - now benefit from access to drinking water. Also, several new jobs were created in the locality.

Through the European Village program, the water treatment plant was built. 

Buțeni mayor Ion Harbuz said that the town had an urgent need for drinking water, because the water pumped directly from the artesian wells did not meet the sanitary and chemical standards. "The water supply networks were built in other projects, but the water from the artesian wells did not meet the standards and had a sulfur smell. Now, with the commissioning of this treatment plant, we are able to provide the villagers with clean and odor-free drinking water. After receiving the station, we also carried out laboratory analyzes that showed that the treated water is much better than the one from the springs in the locality, according to the chemical and biological parameters", he said.

The total value of the project is over four million lei. The money was allocated by the Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.





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