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Moldovan president attends diaspora festival

18:28 | 17.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Aug. 17 /MOLDPRES/- More than 600 Moldovans of diaspora participating in See You at Home Festival were welcomed by President Maia Sandu. The head of state spoke about the programs and policies implemented by the Chisinau authorities and expressed appreciation to fellow countrymen settled abroad.

"Welcome back home! August is the month of reunions. Every time we have talks with leaders, prime ministers, presidents, they always speak very nicely about the Moldovan diaspora and I want to applaud you because you are extraordinary ambassadors of Moldova and I am not exaggerating, if we talk about Portugal, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Greece. Wherever I have been, I have heard words of praise, sometimes with invitations for as many Moldovans as possible to come. I always tell them that our Moldovans are good and we want them home. You are highly appreciated where you are and we are proud of you, the image of any Moldovan is the image of our country. This is how we build foreign policy, this is how we build relations with all countries", said Maia Sandu.

The official informed them about the social protection agreements signed with European countries, the recognition of driving licenses, stressing that all problems will be overcome once Moldova joins the European Union. The President urged Moldovans of the diaspora to actively participate in the presidential elections and referendum due on October 20.

"The only plan is Moldova in the EU! Every time we say that the high participation of the diaspora in the elections is a clear proof of the interest of our diaspora in everything that is happening in the Republic of Moldova and for the future of the country. The elections are of major importance for how the country will develop further, whether it will remain peaceful, stable or not, whether it will succeed in joining the EU and whether it will be able to benefit from all the advantages of EU membership", said the president.

Festival participants will interact with Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

The event presents success stories of Moldovans of diaspora. Participants will have the opportunity to find out useful information about programs available for their compatriots living abroad.






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