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Hometown associations from Moldova to benefit from grants to strengthen social cohesion

14:53 | 18.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 18 /MOLDPRES/- Hometown associations will receive financial assistance to implement, in partnership with local public administrations, initiatives that will promote sustainable development, contribute to strengthening social cohesion and the participation of the population in decision-making, according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

13 hometown associations from Moldova will receive grants worth USD 9,000 each, under the UNDP project - Strengthen social cohesion through inclusive participation and empowered citizens, funded by the Swiss government.

“It is very important that the effective cooperation between hometown associations, local public authorities and the diaspora supports communities in promoting democratic practices and enhancing public participation in the development process. By awarding these grant certificates, we encourage a more favourable environment for the development of viable and democratic communities in Moldova,” said Guido Beltrani, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova.

“Jointly with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, we have implemented interventions that have improved the living conditions and local public services for over 120 communities and 500,000 people. This was also possible thanks to the involvement of hometown associations throughout the country in mobilizing locals and diaspora to get involved in the development of their home communities. We are proud to continue to shoulder their efforts and offer support for 13 initiatives run by hometown associations to strengthen community bonds, foster dialogue among diverse groups and empower people to actively participate in local governance,” said Seher Ariner, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Moldova.

Thanks to the support of UNDP and Switzerland, a day center for older people will be established in Cotiujenii Mari village, Soldănești district and alternative therapy and education services for children with special educational needs will be developed in Sărata Veche village, Florești district. In Corjeuți village, Briceni district, rural tourism will be supported by creating a tourist route, setting up gazebos, etc. In Nimoreni village, Ialoveni district, waste management will be improved by procuring 400 containers. 

In Cobîlea village, Șoldănești district, recreational areas will be developed, while in Sipoteni village, Călărași district and Puhăceni village, Anenii Noi district, access ramps will be installed in public institutions. In Copceac village, Găgăuzia region and Mileștii Mici village, Ialoveni district, the central park will be landscaped and in Izbiște village, Criuleni district, the schoolyard will be arranged. In Răciula village, Călărași district, the local stadium will be renovated. 

“This financial support will help us to install an access ramp at the Puhăceni Cultural House to facilitate the access of people with disabilities and other groups of people with reduced mobility or parents with prams to the activities of the senior and junior clubs, as well as to the services provided by the hometown association, located in this building. This ensures equal participation in events and activities, social inclusion and equal opportunities for community members,” explains Ana Plămădeală, executive director of “Puhoacea Nistreană” Hometown Association. 

The Project -Strengthen social cohesion through inclusive participation and empowered citizens contributes to enhancing cooperation and strengthening social cohesion by involving members of the diaspora and returning migrants.





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