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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: Dondușeni city improves infrastructure with state support

13:15 | 19.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/- In Dondușeni, construction work is ongoing as part of an urban revitalization project funded by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL).

The project involves the development of an area covering about 7,000 square meters, which is expected to be completed by the end of this year or, at the latest, the beginning of next year.

Currently, work is focused on reconstructing a sports field and reinforcing the embankments of a rainwater drainage channel, which will help prevent the surrounding households from becoming waterlogged.

Rehabilitating leisure infrastructure and green area on Aleksandr Pușkin Street, Donduseni project is financed by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development (FNDRL) and implemented by the North Regional Development Agency (ADR). 

According to the contract, signed earlier this year, an economic operator has committed to develop and integrate over 7,000 square meters of land into public use within a maximum of 11 months from the approval of the execution order. The goal is to enhance the living conditions of the citizens.

The target group of the urban revitalization project includes about 8,700 residents of Dondușeni, including 245 students from Alexandr Pușkin Theoretical High School, 166 students from Gaudeamus Theoretical High School and 538 students from Alexei Mateevici Theoretical High School.

The value of the contract is approximately 8.7 million lei (about 437,000 euros), with Dondușeni city hall contributing 10% of the contract's value.

This year, ADR Nord is implementing seven new urban development and revitalization projects in northern Moldova, funded by the FNDRL.







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