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Moldovan PM meets participants in DOR camp

14:05 | 19.08.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, August 19 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean met today with the 100 participants in DOR camp, held on 14-23 August, the government's communication department has reported.

The Prime Minister welcomed the enthusiasm and interest of young people to know the news from the Republic of Moldova and to keep the emotional ties with the country of origin. "I thank your parents for taking care to keep you connected to the Republic of Moldova, the place where they were born," he said.

The Prime Minister spoke to the young people about how the Republic of Moldova is going to become a European state and urged them to become promoters of European integration, in order to build a state at home similar to the ones they live in today.

The participants were interested in the activity of the authorities, and of the prime minister, about his daily routine, hobbies and favorite food.

The DOR program is attended by children aged between 12 and 17, 80 of whom are from the diaspora, from countries such as Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal, Romania, Spain, the USA and Turkey, and 20 - from the Republic of Moldova. During the ten days of the camp, they are involved in various creative, sports activities aimed at strengthening the emotional, cultural and identity ties with the country of origin.

The DOR program was launched in 2013. So far, over 1,000 children have benefited from the opportunities offered by the program.







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