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Nineteen Ukrainians ask for asylum in Moldova, after being caught illegally crossing state border

17:22 | 19.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ - The border policemen of the South regional department last week registered 10 cases of illegal crossing of the state border, with 19 Ukrainian citizens detected.  

According to the Border Police, four of the incidents were signaled in Copceac, where eight Ukrainians, who had illegally entered Moldova, were caught during border supervision missions.  

Another four illegal acts took place in Vulcanesti. On mission, mobile patrols detected near the border line six Ukrainian citizens who did not justify their presence in the area. According to their statements, decision-makers found out that they had entered Moldova illegally.  

Border policemen from Cismichioi and Valea Perjei intercepted five Ukrainians who were moving by foot from the neighbouring village towards inside the country.   

All immigrants asked for asylum in Moldova.



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