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More than 32,000 Ukrainians have status of temporary protection in Chisinau municipality

17:43 | 19.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ - The number of Ukrainian citizens with status of temporary protection is on the rise in the Chisinau municipality. So far, 32,000 Ukrainians have benefited from this status. The deputy mayor of Chisinau, Angela Cutasevici, made statements to this effect today.   

According to Cutasevici, 7,588 out of all Ukrainian citizens benefitting from temporary protection, who stay in Chisinau, are children.

„The number of Ukrainian citizens who got status of temporary protection in Moldova has reached 56,978. Data by the General Inspectorate for Migration shows that, so far, 32,322 Ukrainian citizens have legalized their stay in the Chisinau city,’’ Cutasevici noted.     

The Chisinau city hall called on the Ukrainian citizens who are settled in Moldova to legalize their stay by submitting the acts for getting the status of temporary protection. The status of temporary protection gives the beneficiaries more rights: to work; to benefit from primary and emergency medical assistance; to have access to education.   



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