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Firefighters deployed in Greece returned home

10:41 | 20.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Aug 20 /MOLDPRES/- The ground forest firefighting team of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations /IGSU/ has successfully completed its mission in the Hellenic Republic and returned home. The firefighters received diplomas from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The award ceremony began with a minute of silence in memory of Sergeant Timohin Denis, the firefighter from Floresti, who died while on a mission to extinguish a vegetation fire on August 14, 2024.

The event was attended by Interior Minister Adrian Efros and the Inspectorate's management. The officials congratulated the team and thanked the firefighters for their efforts in the successful international mission carried out in the framework of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism alongside their Greek colleagues.

The IGSU team, consisting of 40 firefighters, was awarded honorary diplomas on behalf of the MAI. The officials appreciated the dedication of the Moldovan rescuers in the mission and noted the team spirit that led to the successful completion of the interventions.

From July 16 to August 15, 2024, the team participated in the pre-positioning mission within the European Pre-positioning Program of Forest Firefighting Teams in the Hellenic Republic, NEA Makri region.

In total, during the program, the IGSU team intervened to extinguish eight fires, 19 patrol missions were carried out in areas at risk of outbreaks of fires, and three lives were saved.





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