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Moldovan-Swedish cooperation in military sector discussed in Chisinau

15:34 | 20.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 20 August /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova and Sweden will consolidate the cooperation in the military sector. A document to this effect today was signed by Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii and Minister for Defence of Sweden Pål Jonson and Minister for Civil Defence of Sweden Carl-Oskar Bohlin, on an official visit to Chisinau.    

At the meeting, the sides discussed the present stage of the bilateral cooperation, the assistance provided by the Kingdom of Sweden, in order to strengthen the defence capacities of Moldova and perspectives of deepening the partnership.  

Anatolie Nosatii appreciated the support of the Swedish government in the promotion of Moldova’s development goals, projects and initiatives in the defence field within international organizations, the enforcement of the United Nations Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security and projects within the complex Programme in the field of small arms and light weapons.     

The Moldovan defence minister informed the two officials about the priorities of modernization of the defence institution, the actions undertaken in this field, as well as the strategic goals, with emphasis on the development of capabilities for the fulfillment of missions of Moldova’s defence, strengthening the cooperation with foreign partners, enhancing the contribution to the international peacekeeping efforts.   

Other subjects on the agenda of discussions regarded Moldova’s European integration way, the present security challenges faced by the country.

At the end of the visit, the ministers signed a bilateral document of intentions, which will consolidate the dialogue between the institutions in terms of training and expertise.  




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