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Number of COVID-19 cases increases in Moldova

20:07 | 20.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 20 August /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 2,213 COVID-19 cases were registered in Moldova on 12-18 August, of which 303 in the Transnistrian region. The number of cases grew by 60.2 per cent against the week before.   

According to the National Public Health Agency (ANSP), there were 416 cases of COVID-19 cases among children with ages between 0 and 14 years, up by 63.1 per cent against the previous week. Three death cases were recorded on this period.  

The overall number of PCR and TDR investigations was carried out by 10,707 tests, which is by 34.1 per cent more against the week before. The number of positive samples in the last week increased from 17.3 to 20.7 per cent.   

In the context of the summer period and the enhancement of residents’ mobility, the Health Ministry recommends the observance of the principal protection measures for the health and safety of people: preserving the social distance; avoiding of crowded places; observance of the rules of hands’ hygiene; respiratory hygiene; observance of the sanitary rules at the working place, with the airing of the closed spaces, wearing of masks in medical institutions and appealing to the family physician upon the appearance of the first symptoms of the COVID-19 infection.      

Specialists reiterate that the vaccination against COVID-19 is the most efficient way of avoiding the serious cases of disease and death.



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