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Over 200 children, young people, including diaspora attend summer camps in several localities across country

15:31 | 21.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 21 /MOLDPRES/- More than two hundred local children and young people, including from the diaspora, gathered at the summer camps under the title United for eco localities, organized in seven communities in the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the Alliance of Associations of Natives from Moldova and funded by the project Strengthening social cohesion through inclusive participation and involved citizens, funded by the Swiss Government and implemented by UNDP Moldova.

Camp participants combined learning with fun. They took part in creative or cooking workshops, nature hikes, sanitation activities, picnics and personal development sessions. Day trips to local tourist attractions were also organized.

At the camp in the village of Corjeuți, Briceni district, children and young people took part in recycling training, park sanitation activities and visited an ostrich farm, while at the camp in the village of Răciula, Călărași district, they planted trees and made crafts from recyclable materials.

In Cobâlea, Șoldănești district, they personalized eco-bags and portrayed the theme of ecology through photographs, while in Sărata Veche, Fălești district, they discovered local traditions and took part in reading, painting and craft workshops. In Sipoteni, Călărași district, they took part in handicraft workshops to make objects from natural materials and ecological souvenirs, planted flowers. In Hârbovăț, Anenii Noi district, they made paintings from leaves and flowers, took part in a stone-painting workshop and made toys from recyclable materials.

"The camp experience was absolutely incredible! I had the opportunity to discover local traditions and connect with nature in a unique way. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, being involved in many eco-friendly activities. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn new things and make lifelong friends", said Valeria Vrabie, 12 years old, participant of the camp in Harbovăț.

Out of the 222 children attending the camps, 58 are of diaspora.

The event was organized from 15 July to 20 August 2024 to encourage cooperation between residents and diaspora, enhancing social cohesion.







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