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We See Each Other at Home festival of Diaspora Days 2024 brings together record number of participants in Moldova

17:22 | 21.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) traditionally organized a string of events dedicated to the Diaspora Days on the third week of August, in order to consolidate the close relations between Moldova and its citizens who live abroad. One of these events was the festival, We See Each Other at Home, which brought together a record number of participants.      

The spokesman for the government, Daniel Voda, today said that the Diaspora Days had started on 14 August at the DOR (Diaspora*Origins*Returns*) camp, with a programme meant for children and young people. ‘’This year, we have 100 Diaspora children involved in creative, sports, cultural activities, who consolidated their emotional and identity relations with the origin country Moldova. Also, the children were at more public meetings, and during this week they visited also the government, where they discussed with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, were able to interact with the official and put questions on the government at the government. Also, the children discussed with President Maia Sandu, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu. This programme, launched in 2013, is at one decade of implementation and is the first and only governmental programme meant to create the connection between the young generations of migrants from the country and which have roots in Moldova. During the time, over 1,000 children returned to live unforgettable experiences at DOR, promoting the national traditions and values in the countries of residence of their families,’’ Daniel Voda said.     

At the same time, on 16 August, over 200 Diaspora citizens visited he headquarters of the public authorities within the programme on open doors organized by the authorities. The people who returned home participated in the Open Doors Day at the government building, as well as the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Labour and Social Protection Ministry, Customs Service, National Social Insurance House, National Health Insurances Company, National Employment Agency, Organization for Entrepreneurship Development and Investments Agency.  

The schedule of the Diaspora Days continued with a Festival, held on 17 August. ‘’We had a record number of people who participated in public events organized by the government. The festival, We See Each Other at Home, stressed the importance of the cooperation of the fellow countrymen who left with the ones who are at home, in order to edify a prosperous European future here, in Moldova. Those over 600 participants, a record number since the organization of this event, were able to visit information stands with details about the governmental programmes, opportunities of cooperation, as well as the access to digital services for citizens,’’ the spokesman for the government said.    

Also in the last week-end, a business forum was held on the sidelines of the Diaspora Days. The participants in the event analyzed opportunities of developing businesses.  

The Diaspora Days continue till 23 August, when the DOR governmental programme will end and the children will leave for their residence countries.  


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