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Moldovan government approves new rules for construction of houses in rural environment

15:31 | 21.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The citizens from the rural environment will be able to construct living houses with one story with an area of up to 150 square metres and outhouses by observing clear-cut rules of placement, designing, execution and reception. The government today approved a Regulation which sets the steps needed for the construction and reception of these types of houses.       

The measures will shorten the time and costs necessary for the construction of a dwelling and will provide more safety for families.  

„The decision is meant to help our citizens who want to build in village a house or outhouses with an area smaller than 150 square metres. Till not so long ago, these procedures were extremely bureaucratic and under this regulation, we simplify much the conditions of placement of the constructions, the people with right to carry out the works, the people in charge, the way of construction, of reception and of post-utilization. Thus, once this regulation approved, the citizens from villages will be able to easier construct a house or structures related to the dwelling,’’ Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu said at the cabinet meeting.      

Thus, the process will be simplified, providing concrete guidings for the placement, designing, execution and reception of private houses with one story and outhouses related. Also, the Urbanism and Constructions Code already stipulates that these houses can be built without the need of the certificate of urbanism or authorization for construction.   

Decision-makers say that the new rules will provide more certainty to investors and families and will provide a better quality of the constructions through a proper supervision and through the observance of the technical norms.   




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