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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Over 130 children of east Moldova village benefit from better conditions for education, following extension of settlement's kindergarten

16:18 | 21.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - Over 130 children from the Cosnita village, eastern Dubasari district, benefit from better conditions for education, after the building of the Kindergarten No 2 of the settlement has been extended, with an annex built from the scratch. The works were carried out within the European Village project, edition I.    

The project included the extension of the building of the kindergarten No 2 with an annex constructed from the scratch. The new building was endowed with modern furniture, including chairs, tables and beds. New groups of children, each one with 25 places, were opened at the kindergarten, in order to reduce the overburdening of the current groups. The two new groups, along with another six existing ones, now benefit from modern halls, sleeping rooms, wardrobe rooms and sanitary units; thus, the conditions of education and care were improved considerably.      

The overall value of the project on the extension of the Kindergarten No 2 from the Cosnita commune was of 10.2 million lei. Almost 9.8 million lei of this sum was allocated by Moldova’s government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development and the rest of 430,000 lei is the contribution of the local public administration.    

Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu went to Cosnita, to familiarize with the new facilities provided by the recently modernized kindergarten. The official stressed that the project implemented in Cosnita represented a positive example for other settlements of the country.  

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development, in the last two years, 28 kindergartens crèches have been rehabilitated and 35 new crèche  groups were created with financial resources allocated by the Moldovan government, with 106 early education institutions renovated. About 13,000 children of Moldova’s settlements now enjoy improved conditions for education and play at pre-school institutions. At the same time, over 3,000 employees enjoy better conditions for work.     











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