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Development of transport system in Moldova according to EU's norms discussed with representatives of Transport Community in Chisinau

12:46 | 22.08.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister Andrei Spinu today met the director of the Transport Community (TCT), Matej Zakonjsek, other representatives of the structure, in order to discuss the present stage of the cooperation between Moldova and the Transport Community, as well as the common agenda for adjusting the national legislation to the European norms.  

The sides reviewed the important measures in the road, railway and naval transport and agreed upon the future projects. The participants in the meeting also discussed the modernization of roads and railways, with emphasis on the need of assistance in revising, monitoring and backing the process of legislative and institutional reform within the chapters 14 (Transport Policy) and 21 (Trans-European Networks) of the EU’s acquis. The sides also emphasized the importance of the assistance provided by TCT for the working out of the Strategy of implementation of the smart transport systems.     

In the railway transport sector, the discussions were focused on the modernization of the railways, importance of separating the duties of managing the infrastructure and of operation at the Railway of Moldova (CFM) enterprise, as well as the monitoring of the progress made in the implementation of the new Railway Code, adapted to the EU’s requirements.  

As for the naval field, the mission of TCT experts discussed with decision-makers of the sector from the Infrastructure and Regional Development Ministry (MIDR), as well as of the Naval Agency. The discussions were focused on the providing of assistance in the transposition of the European directives in the naval field, as well as in the implementation of the new generation action plans for the Naval and Multimodal Transport for 2025-2027, with reference to the specific measures, clear-cut terms and responsibilities for each sector.   

The Transport Community contributes to the promotion of the competitiveness of the countries through the improvement of the national systems and infrastructure, enhances the efficiency of the networks and the quality of services and, in general, develops good-neighbour relations. The Treaty does not cover regulations for the road transport of goods.

The treaty on the foundation of the Transport Community represents a community of transport between EU and those six countries from the Western Balkans and south-eastern Europe: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. In late 2023, Moldova got, along with Ukraine and Georgia, the status of observer within the Transport Community.   




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