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First sketches of Berești multimodal complex presented

16:24 | 22.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug. 22 /MOLDPRES/- The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization (MDED) announced today that the first sketches of the future multimodal complex at Berești railway station in Ungheni have been presented. They were developed within the framework of the feasibility study carried out with the support of the USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity.

They include the engineers' visions of the infrastructure, equipment, territory and logistical elements that the complex could include, as well as the options for the modular development of this logistics complex.

Currently, the feasibility study is examining the possibility of building the multimodal complex on a state-owned land of about 18 hectares. According to estimates, the new infrastructure will allow the operation of about 200,000 trucks annually, equivalent to 4 million tons of cargo.

The multimodal complex investment project aims to transform the Berești terminal into a regional logistics hub, facilitating Moldova's access to international transport corridors and the country's integration into the global transport and logistics network.

The feasibility study will be finalized by late 2024, after which the Government will be able to start identifying investors for the construction of Berești complex.




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