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EUROPEAN VILLAGE: Most people in Frumoasa have access to drinking tap water

13:15 | 23.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 23 /MOLDPRES/- Most residents of Frumoasa village, Călărași district now have drinking tap water. They will no longer have to buy water or fetch it from long distances, as during the summer most of the wells in the upper part of the village run dry. The project has been included in the European Village program, first edition, worth 2.9 million lei.

Thus, after years of waiting, 163 households or about 450 people now have access to the centralized water supply network. At the same time, five community institutions - the kindergarten, the family doctor's office, the cultural center, the town hall and library, as well as three village businesses - also benefit from drinking water on tap.

Mayor Gheorghe Movileanu says the villagers have long dreamed of having water in their households, especially since most of the wells in the upper part of the village ran dry almost five months a year, from early May to the end of September, and people had to carry buckets from one well to another in search of water or buy it from the store.

The total investment in the first project amounts to almost 2.9 million lei, of which 32,000 lei is the community's contribution and the rest was allocated by the Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.

The European Village program, first edition, included 154 projects on the construction and extension of water and sewerage networks.

The program was launched at the initiative of Head of State Maia Sandu and includes local development projects such as water supply and sewerage, renovation and thermal insulation of public buildings, construction of sports and playgrounds, modernization of tourist attractions, creation of rest and recreation areas in localities.






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